Why Is My Insurance Check Less Than the Estimate?
What happens when you’re involved in an auto accident? You take your vehicle to your preferred body shop for an estimate and submit it to your insurance company. A couple of weeks later, you receive a check in the mail—only to find that it’s significantly less than...

Understanding OEM vs. Aftermarket Parts
As a receptionist at an auto body shop, I often hear customers say they want OEM parts instead of aftermarket ones for their vehicle. But what exactly is the difference between OEM and aftermarket parts? Why don’t insurance companies always cover OEM parts? And what...

Understanding Your Auto Insurance Deductible
Many of you have been in a car accident, taken your vehicle to a repair facility, and, upon picking it up, been told you owe the shop money. You have the check from your insurance company, so you hand it to the front desk employee—only for them to ask for an...